White House Down intoxicates the viewer into the action while painfully slow drowning in a sea of clichés.
A few months ago, Olympus is falling in theaters. As the film is the terrorist attack on the White House now is an unlikely hero to save the world. The White House Down obtain exactly the same concept as only marginal differences.
John Cale
John Cale (played by Channing Tatum) is a special task of the police to protect the President of the House of Representatives in Washington DC. Want to work with the Secret Service that you are responsible for protecting the president Cale. When Cale, divorced, her daughter tried to tour the White House, all hell breaks loose. And when all security officers and police staff and the White House were taken has been kidnapped, there is only one possible about the hero who can save the day: John Cale.
Director Roland Emmerich is a specialist when it comes to disaster and action films (Independence Day, The Patriot, 2012). After a bit strange but intriguing adventure of Emmerich with period drama Anonymous would return in a film that is so common and cliché as the title suggests. It seems that the creators of the White House down one on the list who missed out on the requirements for a modern action film. Number one on the list is the race against the clock which should lead to the heroes of the seemingly impossible task before the bad was going to kill innocent civilians. This film is the first level of rescue hostages (including a familiar hero) and a higher level of saving the world. Moreover, taking the viewer as befits such Hollywood action film that showed a typical three-act structure. In the first act, set all kinds of lines and objectives of the plot. So be owned by John Cale Secret Service, which has a difficult relationship with her daughter, divorced, and is not seen for what it is. In the second law of equilibrium is disturbed by a bunch of bad guys and problems for the opponent is another immensely greater. In the third act, all plot lines established together and individually resolved correctly. However, several of which will be completed as despicable and shameful, that his feet spontaneously transformed curves around the seat cinema.
Now apply the arrangements for the majority of the shares of the movies or to a greater or lesser extent, but in Whitehouse manufacturers Down seemed close to the process as far as possible in their cinematic clichés. Although I mentioned a few have tried to expose the structure later this film honestly, there are many other cliches thrown towards the viewer. Clichés not always disturbing, because this type of film all about the show and more about logic. What is the use of knowing the director Emmerich event or advice, and there is little to mark the film. Only if the viewer to make the clichés of love and pleasure of genre films take reasonable action then the film managed to score only through.
White House Down is a copy of the published earlier this year Olympus is falling, but it is the smaller of the two. Although you can close your eyes for a lot of clichés to do once their curved feet, the film is too late and too tired to shoot.